Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's a Party...

I'm staying home from work today. Yesterday was just too crazy. Three trips to the pharmacy, two more runs for groceries Mark had a hankering for. He was miserable all day. Side effects from the meds were worse than the illness itself.

I took time off work yesterday to take him to the ophthalmologist. Shingles is not in the eye. It could still go there, and we won't know for sure for a few more days. His left eyelid is all swollen and weepy, and the shingles have spread to right above the eyebrow. Ouch! Poor guy. But he's feeling a little better this morning now that he's switched off some of the meds that were making him so sick yesterday. (The pain med made him throw up. So they put him on an anti-nausea med that gave him a huge headache. Sheesh. Now he's on a different pain med and no anti-nausea med. Better.)

Kendra sent this photo this morning. She titled it, "Morning Party on Mom's Bed."

 I'm hoping to get some of my own writing work done today on my thesis, along with some grading and taking care of Mark. I meet with my thesis advisor at 5:30 this evening to get more of his feedback.

Just got this text message from Julia (8:20 am). "I am through security. My flight leaves at 9:45 so I am Granddad Early." I am so excited for her to fly to New Jersey today! She will get to see Maddy tomorrow.

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