Saturday, October 9, 2010

This Busy Week

Oh, what a week. I'm not complaining!! I just thought you'd like to know.

8:30 am - Attend hearing at the courthouse. Mark will cover my 1st period class. (It's his prep period.)
12:30 pm - Attend monthly meeting for TOSAs (Teachers on Special Assignment, like me) at the district office
3:30-6:30 pm - Present 3-hour training on reading work samples to the staff of another school

10:15 am - Attend bi-monthly meeting with the principal and the math coach
1:30 pm - Attend training on how to upload my documents to the district web site
3:30 pm - Annual physical at the doctor's office
6:00 pm - Yoga class
7:00 pm - Ward temple night - we haven't decided which one we're going to yet

7:30 am-11:30 am - Run the state reading test (online) for 75 juniors and seniors. This is the first day that the online test is open, so we hope the state has all the bugs worked out, and it works ok for us. I'll be doing this with the math coach and our testing coordinator.

12:00-3:00 pm - Attend regional meeting of the Literacy Coach Network for the Portland area (in Portland)
3:30-4:30 pm - Conduct the first meeting of the OCHS Literacy Council - includes me leading the discussion of the 1st chapter of our book study for the year.
5:45-8:30 pm - Babysit Arora

Happy Birthday Dad!!
7:45-8:35 am - Teach in-service session on how to proctor the state reading test online
7:45-9:35 am - Mark will teach 2 in-service sessions on how to use the updated online grading program.
9:45-10:35 am - Teach in-service session on how to ask more in-depth questions on reading passages in all classes
10:45-11:35 am - Teach in-service session on how to use "grammar codes" on student papers to help the kids get better at writing with correct spelling, punctuation, grammar
1:00-3:00 pm - Turn in progress-report grades for the first 6 weeks of school.

8:30 am - Talk with MOM!!!

Sure do love you guys. Have a great week. I'll be thinking of you lots, with Dad's appointments.

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