Saturday, July 31, 2010

Grandma time

Grandpa and Arora making waffles

I called Holly this morning to see how she was feeling, and she was kind of grouchy - awake a good part of the night with contractions. I said, ok, I'm coming over to get Arora so you can do what you need to do. Holly was thrilled.

We brought nighttime things and church clothes, so Holly and David can have the weekend free for having a baby, or just to have some time to themselves. If we get Maddy on Monday and Arora is still with us, she can go to her Hamblin grandparents at that time.

She's a sweet, funny little 2 1/2 year old, and I'm sure we'll have a good time together, although it may mean that I'm a little slower on your birthday present. :)

Tonight we're going to a performance of "Star Trek in the Park." We went last summer with Ken and Dorothy, and they invited us to come again this year. Arora and Julia will come along, too.

All of us are really missing Maddy today. I hope the separation won't be too much longer. This is sure hard on Julia, and I'm sure it's hard on Maddy, too. First she lost her daddy in June, and now her mommy. As we were running errands today, I found myself wondering if Maddy was in one of the neighborhoods we drove through.

I'm so glad I can be a grandma! There are the fun and wonderful times, like new babies arriving, and taking the older kids backpacking. There are the just day-to-day times like playing with the little ones and babysitting from time to time. And then there are some really, really difficult times, like having Maddy in foster care and so much drama and chaos in our family.

Mark, Julia, and I all have a peaceful feeling that there will be a good outcome. I hope it will be soon!

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